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It is an initiative of AGE Network that seeks to disseminate accurate, non-judgmental, age-appropriate, and culturally relevant information about HIV and other STI prevention and treatment through engaging digital content tailored for young audiences, enhance access to services by facilitating easy access to HIV testing, and support services, providing referrals to local clinics for treatment.

Our Mission

To provide accurate, accessible, stigma-free, and confidential health information to help adolescents and young people make informed choices about their health and access treatment care and support to reduce vulnerability to new HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Infections.

What we do

Increase HIV Awareness: We disseminate accurate HIV information via WhatsApp, SMS, flyers, brochures, and infographics in the community, among adolescents including people with disabilities and key populations,s and also develop digital content for online campaigns to reduce the HIV/AIDS transmission rate and stigma against HIV survivors.

Support for treatment: We support adolescents and young people living

Enhance Access to Services by establishing partnerships with local clinics, LACA for free and volunteer testing, One Stop Shops (OSS), and youth response centers.

Mitigate Barriers by conducting targeted community campaigns to combat stigma and misinformation

About Us